The Cornish pasties take about 35 minutes to cook properly, and thats really the only way to have them presented to you. In a microwave is fine, but they taste much better from the conventional oven.
This is why we need to know who wants to reserve a pasty lunch.
If you reserve a Cornish pasty lunch you'll have your name on the lunch list which will be at the Brits International tables as you walk in. Please let us know when you arrive at the gala, so we can pop your lunch in the oven.
Take a look around the gala whilst your lunch gets cooked, and we'll either find you, or call you when it's ready.
With the lunch you'll receive a 15ounce traditional Cornish pasty, and a spot of coleslaw.
Drinks are available at extra charge from the various vendors at the gala. Tea will definitely be available, but you will have some choices of drinks to have with your lunch.
Please provide the following information below in order to reserve.
We have a limited number of pasties available for the event, so please make sure to reserve yours while they last.
Cornish pasty lunches will be served between 11am-2pm.
Cornish pasty lunches are $10 each.
If you choose to pay now you will be taken to the payment page when you hit the Submit button.
Payment will be taken via Paypal using your credit/debit card online, or you can choose to pay us at the door in the form of cash.
Your phone number is required to take your reservation

Please choose one of the following:
How many Cornish pasty lunches do you require ?. They're $10 each.
Add your name in the box below
Add your contact number in the box below
Add your email address in the box below
What time do you think you'll arrive at the Gala ?
Pay Now by clicking on the Paypal image below